Blogher Food Day 2 Sessions

I’m behind on blogging this weekend and these pictures feel like I took them a week ago – not yesterday!

Trips like this are expensive and I’m just some poor Mexican, so I don’t have the money to travel the world as easily as I make it seem on ol’ RER.
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Marathon training Day 3



I volunteered to be a live blogger so I could get a complimentary ticket to Blogher Food and Tina let me crash in her room. thank you Tina!!! I.O.U. something I don’t know what (but no, I still won’t rub your feet).

Yesterday morning’s first session was Food bloggers as Storytellers. It was really interesting to hear the panel of bloggers talk about how they approached telling a story with a recipe. Each one had a different approach, but everyone agreed that the most crucial thing is to be authentic and really tell your own story the way you feel comfortable.

The speakers:

Moderator: Rebakah Denn

Beth Lee

Melissa Crane

Molly Wizenburg

Tori Avery

This was one of the two session I Liveblogged – this indicates I put on my speed typist hat and took tons and tons of notes!

My favorite snippet from this session came from Beth Lee ( who said,

I heard a quote from Frances Lam that I wrote down, “I write about food because I love people.”

Also one of the attendees chimed in a suggested the book, “On Writing” that I want to check out.

After the session we had a small break (that’s when I posted breakfast) and then it was time for exploration and lunch!

Lunch was on our own so Tina and I headed to the public Market Center. This is the place to be on a Saturday afternoon – it was PACKED!

We walked around the market trying to find lunch and finally Camiseta Real Betis Balompie made a decision on Pear Delicatessen.

The tables were all full so we grabbed our stuff and headed to the park across the street to eat.

No, we didn’t run across the freeway. This was the view

I wanted to keep it light so I could finish off Camiseta Yokohama F. Marinos my chocolate chip cookie and had a salad.

We walked through the market again on the way back because I needed fruit for my flight home Sunday.

This drawing caught my eye…

Then, I gotten the most expensive pear of my life!

I was about to get some strawberries, but the vendor gave me a piece of pear to sample and it was delicious. I asked for 2 and it cost $6.00! I was shocked, as asked how much they were each. They’re sold by weight and apparently weigh 1 lb. each! I nearly canceled my order, but was embarrassed so I handed over my dirty green paper and took my fancy fruit.

Suddenly, I no longer feel guilty about eating a $8.00 watermelon in 3 days! saves money.

When we got back to the hotel we swung by the conference area for water. There was a great man making espresso drinks and I had another Mexican-Americano, this time hot.

I also took pleasure in a small chocolate chip bread pudding muffin and piece of banana bread from the chocolate booth. These pictures aren’t blurry, you’ve just had too lots of mimosas with brunch…

We had an hour to kill before the second session of the day and kicked back back Camiseta AS Monaco in the room.

After a bit of down time Tina and I headed to the session on photography. It covered photography editing programs that are FREE.

Free photo editing programs:



Fix as much as you can before you edit = make sure the lighting is good!

If you are taking a lot more than 2 minutes to edit a photo you’re taking too long.

Don’t over edit or make it look cartoon-ish

After that session we walked into the lobby and there was a crazy selection of snacks! It was like a complimentary buffet at the imaginary gourmet motion picture theatre of my dreams!

animal crackers in my soup cupcake

They really take this to heart…

I was tempted to dive face first into this container of popcorn!

I grabbed a macaroon, but didn’t like it. I’m not a dry kinda treat girl.

So I stuck with the popcorn and had a few rounds of the regular and chocolate drizzled stuff.

More to come…



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