
I hate labels. I don’t want to be grouped in with anyone except other “Red-headed Mexicans named Monica Melinda Olivas”. I am in my own group and would prefer not to be labeled into another.

The only reason I call myself a “pescatarian” is to avoid having to answer questions about the lack of meat on my blog (or while dining with others).
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I don’t want to feel guilty or apologetic for my food choices. But, since I present myself as a vegetarian I feel like I would be a liar if I ate meat. 99% of the time this isn’t an issue. 99% of the time I happily chomp on the veggie options of the world ?

I genuinely love beans and veggie burgers and tempeh. I never feel deprived. But, today I wanted Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Argentina a turkey sandwich.

So I made one. and I ate it. Shhhh! Don’t tell the label police!

And then I got worried that people would think I ate meat and force steak on me.

What? Doesn’t that happen to anyone else?

Anyways, I ate a turkey sandwich today. I don’t want to eat meat on a regular basis at all (unless I buy a farm and raise animals myself). In this case I listened to a rare, but healthy craving for turkey.

I felt like a liar, but now I’m over it. I never wanted a label in the first place. Unless that label is “Doesn’t eat Camiseta RB Leipzig meat 99% of the time – and only free range when it happens (well unless I’m in another country), and only eats organic dairy – except fro-yo…”

That seems a bit long to say when people ask if I am vegetarian, so I might just try and avoid the question…

I normally don’t care what people think, Camiseta Borussia Dortmund but eating ethically and healthy is very important to me, not because it’s socially cool…

Breakfast – Today is a rest day so I took a leisurely walk and then dug into breakfast. This is the same thing I had to dessert last night! I am obsessed.

Greek yogurt, Vitatop, Almond Butter…

I used this greek yogurt because it’s the only one at my local market. I’m going to hit up a few stores for my beloved G.Y. soon!

I have an appointment for a facial this afternoon. I’ve had a gift certificate for this since Christmas and am finally cashing in!

Question: have you ever had a facial?

Did you like it?

Me: I think facials are usually painful at first, but they always end with relaxing massaging so you forget the trauma and keep coming back for more! I’d rather have a “real massage” any day of the week!



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