August Highlights and September stuff

Hello! how was your Labor Day weekend?

Things were pretty quiet in blog-land, so I made a decision to try and take it easy here too.
MY most current VIDEOS

Learning from a bad Run
Bad runs happen – here’s how I moved past it and learned from my next run. idea to help you become a better runner by being a neutral observer of your workouts.

More Videos

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 48 seconds

Next Up
Marathon training Day 1



I made some Quinoa Salad with a Citrus dressing.

And hung out at a BBQ on Sunday. There was vodka watermelon involved – that’s all I’m going to say about that.

August is long gone and I was waiting to do my highlights so here they are…

Favorite August Run, eat and Repeat


Ah! This is a hard call because I ran two races in August – a 10k and a marathon on opposite ends of the country. They were very different experiences and I loved them both so it’s a tie.

Beach to Beacon 10k – had a BLAST!

Santa Rosa Marathon – hard race, but good for me.


I had the most awesome, fancy dinner in San Diego but just realized I just posted it as a silent Saturday and didn’t take any pictures of my food! I have this shot and a photo of my drink. #BloggerFail

So, my favorite eat will be my Egg cups Recipe

Post I’d like to Repeat:

The Disneyland Tweet Up on Friday was incredibly super fun! hey there – when do you get to ride the teacups in the middle of a run?!

September Stuff:
I have no races planned for September, but I am going out of town this weekend, spending a week in FL and my SIL’s shower is Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Polonia this month too!

Question: What was your August Highlight?



Sharing is caring!







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⚡ by shareaholic
